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24 X 500ml Marasca Bottle

24 high quality, clear 500ml Marasca style Bottles

The perfect size for your Aethalis extra virgin olive oil.

£10 off when purchased with a 20L tub of our closed loop Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Each bottles comes with cap

Handwashing is recommended, simply rinse out the bottle with warm, soapy water and clean with a sponge or cloth. Ensure the bottle is completely dry before using it again.

500ml bottle specifications:
Height: 262mm
Diameter: 56mm
Weight: 350g
Neck Style: Screw
Cap Size: 31.5mm

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Product description

24 high quality, clear 500ml Marasca style Bottles
The perfect size for your Aethalis extra virgin olive oil.

£10 off when purchased with a 20L tub of our closed loop Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Each bottles comes with cap

Handwashing is recommended, simply rinse out the bottle with warm, soapy water and clean with a sponge or cloth. Ensure the bottle is completely dry before using it again.

500ml bottle specifications:
Height: 262mm
Diameter: 56mm
Weight: 350g
Neck Style: Screw
Cap Size: 31.5mm