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Mr Duvichus' Story

A pioneer of olive oil production in the area


Mr Duvichus

In 1890 Elias Panagiotakopoulos, Mr ‘Duvichus’ himself, is born. Returning from seven years of conscription he would spend the rest of his life dedicated to the creation of exceptional Extra Virgin Olive Oil. He becomes one of the first to produce and sell olive oil in the area.


The Road Back Home

Elias Duvichus is 32. He has spent the last 10 years of his life in the army working on the frontlines as a radio operator. In 1922 he thankfully returns home to give some respite to his old father Efstathios and fulfil his dreams of having a big family. Soon he marries Dimitra, a strong and wonderful woman who supports him and loves him to the end.


The Olive Mill

On this date Mr Duvichus gets his official license for his own olive mill. At this point he has one of the largest and oldest groves in Messenia, Greece. He is now able now to harvest, press and bottle his own olive oil.


The Family

He is 61 now, he has a big grove, a beautiful vineyard, an olive mill, three sons and one daughter… and some horses! He will spend the rest of his life working hard on his grove, eventually leaving the trees to his family.


The End Of An Era

Elias Panagiotakopoulos, dies at the age of 93. His wife would go on to live till 104. His son, John, will take over the estates. Many new olive trees are planted alongside the family’s new vineyard.