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Despatch date for new harvest : 7/1/25
Want to return a tub?

Closed Loop

Zero-waste Olive Oil

How the Refill System Works


Order oil online through our dedicated retailer section.


We send your order to you via next day delivery.


Once you’ve used your container, send it back to us at our depot.


We clean the used container, refill it from our special vats and rebate the cost of the postage on your next order.

We have been working with Zero Waste Stores for over three years. The growing Zero Waste movement has the potential to be one of the most important and influential developments in food packaging and supply for a generation.

We want to support Zero Waste retailers in offering an olive oil with full provenance, where you and your customers can chat to the people who make it directly.

We are the first olive oil company to offer a fully refillable olive oil solution that is legal to sell on tap. We are stocked in over 150 amazing Zero Waste stores across the UK. We offer a special trial price on the first order as well as bulk discounts to encourage less delivery van usage.

Beyond this we are working towards electric courier drop off and pick up. We have begun this process by partnering with eco supplier and courier, Planet Minimal. All of our oil and empty tubs in the London area are delivered and picked up by electric van.

Find out more at :

Disclaimer: In order to adhere to EU olive oil guidelines and allow retailers to legally sell on tap all of our olive oil is infused with trace amounts of rosemary. It is an infusion in name only and the taste and smell will not be affected.

Aethalis operates under the ‘Olive Oil Compliance’ guidance by the RPA including Olive Oil Regulations and Inspections.